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Start A New
Phi Chi Chapter
We are excited about your interest in starting a new chapter of Phi Chi Medical Fraternity! Below are a few things and important forms that will help you navigate the process. If you have any questions at all, please contact us and we will be more than happy to help.
Phi Chi is an International Medical Fraternity with chapters in the United States, Canada, St. Maartens and Curacao, with widely scattered alumni members in various forms of practice throughout the world. The Fraternity attempts to maintain alumni interest and provides service for them throughout their entire professional careers. In other words, Phi Chi fraternalism does not cease with graduation.
There are no membership restrictions on age, race, religion, or gender. No member can be a current member of another existing national medical fraternity.​
Chapter Establishment
The name Phi Chi is fully protected by letters patent and copyrighted. No group may function under this name unless formally chartered. If you would like to formally charter a new Phi Chi chapter, the associated school or university must be a fully accredited allopathic or osteopathic medical school. A petition for a charter within the United States must be signed by at least 8 founding students. A petition for an international charter must be signed by at least 20 founding students due to the cost of starting and maintaining international chapters. There is one $100 fee for charter preparation that may be paid by check.
The Petition for Charter and $100 fee should be mailed to the fraternity’s Central Office. The petition will be reviewed by the fraternity’s Executive Trustees and, if approved, the spokesperson for the petitioning students will be notified. Decision must be made for the official chartering date and the official name of the chapter. At that time, the petitioning group will be initiated as charter members and the chapter will be installed.
Once the official chartering date and official name of the chapter are decided, every initiated member needs to fill out the Initiate's Admission Record (Form 3). There is one $125 initiation fee per member. This one time fee covers all financial obligations to the National Office. There are no annual National Phi Chi dues. The only other financial obligations are those which the chapter members vote to impose upon themselves to cover chapter operation, social activities, and other events. Each new member receives a membership certificate and membership card.
Chapter Activities
All chapters of the Fraternity function on a democratic basis and are more or less autonomous as long as their activities are not in conflict with the purposes and objectives of the Fraternity as set forth in the Constitution and Statutes. Chapters are permitted to promote and participate in activities and events which align with the customs and traditions of their school or campus. Moreover, they are encouraged to develop new forms of local activity which are beneficial to their environment and will result in recognition and acclaim for Phi Chi Medical Fraternity.
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